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Addressing Tech Challenges is now much easier

SiDesigned brings solutions to life through code, music and decaf coffee.

Denis Siduna
Lets Connect

Current Projects

Centrally rooted in the principle of convenience, there exists a profound faith in Africa, driving our endeavor to emerge as the catalysts for providing effortlessly accessible tech services. This, in design, shall establish the bedrock of African commerce.

Latest Freelance Projects

A few of the software dev projects undertaken in the past few months

Ernoca - New and Pre-Owned Cars and Spares Digital Market Place

Design and dev of the Ernoca app, for selling new and preowned vehicles and accessories. Used Next.js on the UI, with Redux Toolkit Query and Tailwind. Firebase for Auth and Database.

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Procad Construction (PVT) (LTD). Modern Website in React & Tailwind

Designed and developed the website for Procad Construction

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Dwellstone - Online shop for tech devices

Designed and developed the frontend, backend and cloud services

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SkyAngel Private Jet Charters Site & Reservations System

Booking sytem design and dev, and website design and dev too

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Institute of Disaster Alleviation
Nust Choice Champions
Student Mental Health Zimbabwe


Leaving the world better than we have found it

Among the numerous challenges affecting people in the part of our globe, we zeroed on natural disasters and health, mental health in particular, and hope to contribute meaningfully in those areas.